About St. Constance
St. Constance Parish Family
21333 Kinyon Taylor, Mi 48180
Parish Office& Rectory…Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday 9am - 3pm.....(313) 291-4050
Fax 291-5655
Hall 291-7916
E-mail: stconstancechurch@comcast.net
Moderator in Solidum: Fr. Tim Birney tbirney@cabriniparish.com
Priests in Solidum:
Fr. Johnson Pradeep, SAC jpradeep@cabriniparish.com
Fr. Ryan Walters rwalters@cabriniparish.com
Rev. Grayson Heenan gheenan@qvsomine.org
Retired Senior Priest in Residence: Fr. Leo Sabourin
Pastoral Minister: Roseanna Rogers, M.A.P.S rrogers@stconstance.com
Quo Vadis Family of Parishes Council Representative: Joe Taglioli and Nikka Cummings
Weekend Masses:
Saturday 6:30 pm
Sunday 10:00 am
Reconciliation / Saturday @ St Frances Cabrini 3:00 pm
Holy day Masses: as announced
St. Constance History
Founding Pastor: Fr. Emil Dussia
It was on June 15, 1966 when Fr. Dussia was named pastor of the new parish of St. Constance in Taylor. The Lord truly provided a wonderful beginning in such an energetic and dedicated priest. Fr. Dussia was a rather quiet man, but he was able to accomplish all the things that were required to get a new parish started. On October 16,1966, Fr. Dussia led the ground-breaking to build our new church. On April 29, 1967, Cardinal Dearden dedicated the new St. Constance Church. Fr. Dussia's early death on September 11, 1970, at the age of only forty-eight years left everyone deeply saddened. May God give him everlasting joy and peace.
Fr. John Canavan: 1970-1997
Father John Canavan came to St. Constance as pastor in October of 1970 and immediately began work on the parish grounds and the parish building. In time, with the help of volunteers from the parish, the beautification of the grounds and the maintenance of the Church became a reality. Fr. John greatly loved to take care of growing things. He seemed to have a special gift for knowing just what to do. He also knew how to help people grow in their love for God. Fr. John stayed with St. Constance until his retirement in 1997.
Deacon Art Das
During Fr. John's time with us, St. Constance was greatly blessed when Deacon Art Das stepped forward to work in the ministry with Fr. John for six years. Art was a man with a beautiful heart, a devoted husband and father of ten children. This family life background made him a very effective deacon as a homilist and spiritual guide. The Lord called him to his heavenly home on December 23, 1984.
Deacon Joe Mouro
St. Constance was blessed again in 1987 when Deacon Joe Mouro, after his ordination on September 14, started to serve with Fr. John. Deacon Joe was always ready and willing to do anything that was needed. He was especially dedicated to those in need. Deacon Joe passed on June 11, 2015.
Fr. Bob Lab, S.J.
Another very important person brought to St. Constance during Fr. John's time was Fr. Bob Lab. Fr. Bob helped out at St. Constance for a period of 25 years and made it possible for Fr. John to get some time off. Everyone loved Fr. Bob for his very helpful homilies. It seemed as though he always knew just the right thing to say to help people find the answers to their problems. The people of St. Constance were saddened by his death on January 31, 1997.
Fr. Leo Sabourin
Fr. Leo Sabourin was ordained a priest on June 7,1958. His first assignment was to St. Thomas in Ann Arbor from 1958-1962. From there, he was sent to pastor three additional parishes: St. Linus in Dearborn Heights from 1962-1969, Immaculate Heart of Mary in Detroit from 1969-1981 and St. Thomas Aquinas from 1981-1997. Fr. Leo has been with us here at St. Constance since Fr. John's retirement in July of 1997. Fr. Leo has implemented many plans and procedures in his time here and enjoys being very active in all aspects of the parish. His theme is trust in the Providence of God. Fr. Leo was granted Retired Senior Priest Status in October 2023.