Christian Service



Fellowship weekend is usually the first or second weekend of the month beginning October through April after the two Masses. This is an opportunity to relax and enjoy meeting old and new parishioners. Parish provides refreshments.  Donations are given to help St. Vincent de Paul.


Food Banks are available at St. Alfred and Our Lady of the Angels Taylor, Ml. St. Constance parishioners donate food items throughout the year to these locations. 

  • St. Alfred food pantry can be reached at 313-291-4888 and is open Mondays and Thursdays from 9:30am to 11:30am.
  • Our Lady of the Angels food pantry can be reached at 313-381-3000 and is open Monday from 10:00am to 11:30am.
  • The following documents are needed for intake at all food centers:  Proof of residence, picture ID, Pay stub of proof of income, ID for everyone in the household (Social security card or birth certificate) and a utility bill.


The Women of Faith and Service is an organization for all ladies of the parish. Benefits of joining the Guild include enjoying new friendships and assisting with Church Functions.

Fundraisers: Bake Sale and Card Party.  The Ladies Guild supports the Crisis Pregnancy Center in Lincoln Park and other church activities.


Taylor has a Right to Life Affiliate that works to promote life issues in accordance with Right to Life of Michigan.  St. Constance representatives meet with the affiliate once a month from August to June.   St. Constance participates in RTL fundraisers, provide information for Walk for Life, etc.  Participate in Archdiocese approved petition drives.



ALCOHOLICS ANONYMOUS - “Monday Night Miracles” Meets every Monday at 8:30 pm in the parish hall.

BLOOD DRIVE - St. Constance sponsors a blood drive twice a year.

NARCOTICS ANONYMOUS - Meets every Wednesday at 8:30pm in the Religious Ed Room.