Parish Finance Council
Councils are the primary consultative bodies of the parish, working directly with the pastor in the areas of pastoral planning and financial matters.
Parish Finance Council
Joseph Hedden - chair
The Finance Council assists in the proper administration of the finances and material assets of the parish, especially in regard to any strategic planning brought forth by the Pastoral Council.
The Parish Finance Council is constituted as a stand-alone council, distinct and separate from the Parish Pastoral Council and its Commissions.
Financial Council members are to have a clear understanding of the parish’s mission, goals, structure and demographics. The Finance Council does not set the pastoral priorities for the parish – this is the essential work of the Pastoral Council.
Key Elements of Finance Council:
- Parish Finance Council membership is by appointment of the pastor/administrator with clearly defined duties, authority, and responsibilities.
- The Finance Council meets at least quarterly to review and discuss the management of income and expenditures.
- Minutes of Finance Council meetings are maintained and kept on file.
- Communicate regularly, but not less than annually, the financial condition of the parish to all the parishioners.