Worship Commission
The Worship Commission is responsible for guiding the continuing liturgical renewal of the
parish, centered on the Eucharist. The primary task of the Worship Commission is in the areas of
liturgy and ecumenism.
- Discern the parish’s worship/liturgical/prayer needs.
- Assist in providing quality liturgical celebrations and prayer services through involvement in the preparation and evaluation of these.
- Plan and prepare liturgical events and celebrations, including ecumenical events.
- Make recommendations to the Parish Pastoral Council regarding the priorities, policies, guidelines, and directives of the parish, Archdiocese and universal Church with should be considered in the planning and carrying out of the worship life of the parish.
- Coordinate and oversee the preparation of all liturgical ministries, i.e. Lectors, Eucharistic Ministers, musicians, servers, ushers and/or ministers of hospitality, sacristans, artists, etc.
- Collaborate on liturgical aspects of the Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults (RCIA), Eucharist to the hospitalized, nursing homes, the homebound and ministry to the bereaved.
- Provide appropriate scheduling of celebrations, holidays and prayer services throughout the liturgical year.
- Foster an atmosphere of hospitality and harmony in all aspects of its work.
Worship Ministry Opportunities
Serve as a Commission Member
Our Worship Commission serves as an advisory group to the Pastor and music ministry to further enhance our liturgical and ecumenical experiences. The group takes a leadership role in liturgical development through education, planning and evaluation. Key initiatives include promoting our common work of gathering for prayer, sacraments and sharing the Word of God. This commission is responsible for coordinating the liturgical seasons along with its supporting ministries. A primary focus for the commission is the worship space and the recruitment and training of new liturgical ministers, such as Eucharist ministers, lectors and ushers. The commission is also responsible for planning and developing parish liturgies and prayer events in collaboration with the Pastor and Music Minister.
Eucharistic Ministers
Distribute the Eucharist at Masses. Training required.
Baptism Prep Team
Prepare new parents for the sacrament of baptism at the prep class and assist at the baptisms.
Proclaim the Word at Weekend Masses,
Training required. Scheduled. Commentator at mass (all except the word).
Extend hospitality, assist with seating and the
offertory collection, distribute bulletins after Mass. Scheduled.
Nursing Home Mass
Assist in celebrating Mass or a prayer service.
Wedding Rehearsal Coordinator
Facilitate the wedding rehearsal and provide support on wedding day. Scheduled.
Communion to Nursing Home / Homebound.
Bring Eucharist to the residents of Nursing Home.
Music Ministry
Sue Wrona, Music Minister
Choir practice: Tuesdays at 7:00pm